June 15, 2024

1 янв 1372 г. до нашей эры - Topographical Lists of Amenhotep III


AJK: This shows Israelites were already in Canaan at this time

www.bible.ca, Egyptian Conquest Topographical Name List Maps: 1450 - 1279 BC

"The second map dates to the reign of Amenophis III (c. 1387–1350 B.C.E.) and is inscribed in his mortuary temple at Soleb. It contains three stations listed in north-south direction: Aqrabat-Hareseth-Melach (the latter means Salt and refers to the Salt Sea, or the Dead Sea)." (Exodus Itinerary Confirmed by Egyptian Evidence, Charles R. Krahmalkov, BAR 20:05, Sep/Oct 1994 AD)

The Merneptah Stela by Charlie Brownonne

[Dated 1408 - 1372 by Author]

In the temple of Amon in Soleb (Nubia) there is a topographical list from the time of Amenhotep III (1408-1372 BC). In column IV.A2 is written t3 ssw yhw3 which means "Yahweh of the land of the Shasu" (Giveon 1964, 244; Redford 1992, 272; Astour 1979, 17-34). In the ancient Near East a divine name was also was given to a geographical place where the god was worshipped (Axelsson 1987, 60). This is the first clear extra-biblical evidence of the name "Yahweh."

"Shasu" was a general term the Egyptians used to describe any Bedouins East of the Delta.It may be that the Israelites when they were wandering in the desert were probably grouped with the Shasu by the Egyptians. Giveon points out marked similarities between the Shasu and the Hebrews (1967, 193-196; Bietak 1987, 169). When they came out of the desert and into the hill country of Palestine, they were probably called Hapiru as in the El Amarna letters instead of Shasu.There is another very interesting name in the temple of Amon in Soleb on Column XA.2 it says, iswr or "Asher" (Giveon 1964,250). From the position of iswr which is right after qrqms (Carchemish) in the list and before ipttn (column XA4) which may refer to Abez of Issachar (Joshua 19:20), the location of this place would be in northern Palestine.

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1 янв 1372 г. до нашей эры
~ 3398 г назад