June 15, 2024

12 ч 15 мин, 23 авг 1936 г. - Tsĩvgalè Jaxek Focof is Assassinated


During a speech in Eledf Square in Kueplios, Jaxek was shot by an Oipientian Revolutionary, Rikjoert Enti. His assassination began the process of the killing of revolutionaries in Oipienta. Thus giving way to the underground Revolutionary War (a war that is not officially declared and no sides that are given).

At 12:15 P.M. in Elẽdf Square in Kueplios, Tsĩvgalè Jaxek Foćof was shot and killed by the Oipientian Revolutionary Rikjoert Èntĩ. Foćof was greeting guests who were going to attend his Karmen Rally. The rally was meant to be for Foćof to give his plans of change in the next election while showing remembrance of the former Kingdom of Oipienta, especially for the Karmen Dynasties. Èntĩ was arrested by the security of the nearby Armak Building and he was interrogated shortly afterwords. He admitted that he was an Oipientian anarchist and was a part of the anarchist group, The People's State, which was heavily influenced by The Sons' Liberty of Wenes Pwitun from the Second Oipientian Civil War. He stated that Foćof was wrong about anarchy, saying that it was "the people's only option for a true utopia" and Èntĩ also admitted to wanting to kill Vice President Pilub Alňõ.

Rikjoert Èntĩ was sentenced to life in prison and has been serving his sentence in the Gwnapt National Penitentiary. Many people wanted the death penalty for Èntĩ but the Oipientian Court chose life in prison. Although to the dismay of millions of Oipientians, Èntĩ escaped Gwnapt, marking it one of 20 known escapes since the founding of the republic. He fled the island on May 8, 1945 by swimming 34 miles to shore. When he made it to shore, Èntĩ integrated into a local village and had he took a new identity. He traveled to Jevov Dopo and got a boat ride to Dwalong. While in the port city, he began working with the Haddakuist Party of Mokirva in a plot to assassinate the current Ṡĩvgalè of Oipienta, Pilub Alňõ. Èntĩ was stationed in Kueplios during the Ṕorrínfyanš Riot and he was tasked to shoot the Ṡĩvgalè Alňõ. He was one of the 7 men of the Haddakuist Oipientian Party that day. Èntĩ was later arrested again for participating in the riot and instead of life in prison, he was sent to a concentration camp 30 miles East of Ãrsmín. Rikjoert Èntĩ was never heard from again and it is believed he was killed in the camp sometime around August 1946.

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12 ч 15 мин, 23 авг 1936 г.
~ 87 г назад