June 15, 2024

1 фев 1723 г. - Flag of the United Realms of Arcanó


The flag is made up of the outline of the main continent of Arcanó with eight diamond shaped boxes around it. Starting with the box in the upper left corner there is the seal for the Central Realm. The color represents the wheat grown in the region. The box below the yellow one is for the Western Realm. The color is meant to represent coal but black would have been to dark. The box in the bottom most left is for the Lunar Realm. The color is meant to represent magic, wizardry, and knowledge. Back at the top, the box to the direct right of the yellow one is for the Western Tundra Realm. The color is meant to represent ice. Going over to the upper right corner there is the seal for the Gondolin Realm. The color is meant to represent agriculture and seaweed farming. The box just below the lime green one is for the Eastern Realm. The color is meant to represent logging and green plants. The box in the bottom right is for the Isles Realm or Reptel-Amazon Realm. The color is meant to represent oranges and seafood. Back to the top the box to the direct left of the lime green one is for the Eastern Tundra Realm. The color is meant to represent fresh water and blue ice.

Добавлено на ленту времени:

1 дек 2021


1 фев 1723 г.
~ 301 г назад
