June 15, 2024

7 ноя 2020 г. - Joe Biden Projected to Win


On November 7, various news sources called the election, giving President-elect Joe Biden 279 electoral votes and President Trump 214. The results also make Vice President-elect Kamala Harris the first female VP, as well as the first African and Asian American to win the title.

Trump continues to claim voter fraud and refuses to concede as various nations offer their congratulations to Biden. The House and Senate have yet to be called.

On November 11, it was announced that Georgia would recount the election ballots by hand in order to investigate President Trump’s claims of fraud. President-elect Biden has stated the he plans a smooth transition for January despite no concession from Trump.

On November 13, the law firm representing Trump’s campaign resigned from the case to remove the popular vote (for Biden) from Philadelphia. As of now, only one lawyer is on Trump’s legal counsel in Philadelphia. On November 13, China offered a belated congratulations to President-elect Biden. (CNN)

Добавлено на ленту времени:


7 ноя 2020 г.
~ 3 гг и 6 мес назад