June 15, 2024

2 апр 1777 г. - The Flags for the Government were Chosen


Lajadar Flag: Ichud Stars navy blue on a bar of white. A field of navy blue with one stipe of red.
Sukugadar Flag: Ichud Stars navy blue on a bar of white. A field of navy blue with a stripe of red with a black bar within.
Tapuvot Flag: Ichud Stars navy blue on a bar of white. A field of navy blue with one red stripe and one white bar within.
Jush mong Ochgæv Flag: Ichud Stars on a bar of white. A field of navy blue with one stripe of green.
Jush mong Bægam: Ichud Stars white on a bar of navy blue. A field of white with a bar of red.
Yæshal (Government) Flag: a field of navy with one stripe of gold with a stripe of red within. A bar of white with Ichud Stars navy blue surrounding a cross pierced with tips of red in the center navy blue.
The colors on each flag represent the national color of the position.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


2 апр 1777 г.
~ 247 г назад
