June 15, 2024

1 сент 1923 г. - NAACP


In September 1923, the National Convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was held in Kansas City, Kansas at First African Methodist Episcopal Church. James Weldon Johnson, Executive Director and W.E.B Dubois, Editor of the Crisis Magazine, were the leaders of this organization during this time. James Weldon Johnson, along with his brother Rosemond, wrote “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing,” the song that became known as the Negro National Anthem.
During this era, because of racial segregation in Kansas City, Kansas, public accommodations were not available to Blacks, and they could not stay in hotels, motels nor eat in restaurants owned by Whites. There were over 500 delegates at the national convention and some were housed in hotels owned by African Americans in both Kansas Cities; however, the vast majority of delegates were housed in homes of residents in both cities.
Because there were an abundance of restaurants and other businesses, they prospered, and the taxi cab companies operated brisk businesses.
In the group picture taken in front of First A.M.E Church, a small female child is shown, Josephine Campbell Vandiver Boone. John A. Hodge, principal of Sumner High School, is also shown in the picture.
One of the main topics that was taken up at the convention was the Houston Riot and Courts-Martial of 1917.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


1 сент 1923 г.
~ 100 г назад
