June 15, 2024

1 янв 1897 г. - Henry Ossawa Tanner


Henry O. Tanner was born on June 21, 1859, in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. He attended Lombard School for Colored Students and Roberts Vaux Consolidated School for Colored Students in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and he also studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. He decided at an early age to become an artist. Tanner had a desire to study in Europe, and on January 4, 1891, he headed first to Liverpool, England, and then to Rome via Paris, where he became very successful, returning to the United States for visits. In 1897, he planned a three-month, triumphant return to the United States, with his primary destination being Kansas City, Kansas, the city where his family lived. His father, Bishop Benjamin T. Tanner's "household and circle of friends, provided him with an intellectually rich summer. Kansas City, Kansas, due to its proximity to the Missouri border, had a long abolition and pro-civil rights history. The city was also the home of Western University, an affiliate of the A.M.E. Church that attracted a number of important religious scholars." In this supportive atmosphere, "Tanner painted his new surroundings." His work included two watercolors of Kansas City, Kansas, and he also painted two small portraits of his parents. His major undertaking during his Kansas stay was the portrait of his mother.
Tanner did not glamorize his mother but portrayed her realistically as a woman who had endured a great deal from slavery to nurturing nearly a dozen children. Tanner also bared her head so that the highlight on her forehead suggested her intelligence. When he returned to France, he began to work on one of his famous paintings, The Annunciation. The picture, conceived in Kansas City, Kansas, reflected his total confidence in his abilities that he had gained during his Kansas City, Kansas stay.
Source: (First A.M.E. Church) (Across Continents and Cultures, The Art and Life of Henry Ossawa Tanner)
In 1995, Suzanne Thompson Knowles of the Pierian Club contacted The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. She inquired if they were aware of Henry O. Tanner's connection to Kansas City, Kansas and whether they had heard of the Pierian Club and the contribution of Tanner's family to the cultural and religious life of Kansas City, Kansas. She further asked if the museum would assist the Pierian Club's observance of Tanner's work in the upcoming centennial celebration. Her initiative encouraged an exhibition event of Henry Ossawa Tanner's art collection at the Nelson-Atkins Museum that was available for viewing from June 25 through August 20, 1995. The museum has sponsored other Tanner exhibits since.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


1 янв 1897 г.
~ 127 г назад
