June 15, 2024

17 март 1891 г. - ‘Picnic’ at Ōnawe raises, for the first time publicly in Akaroa, issues of appropriate behaviour on Māori cultural sites


Source: https://www.ccc.govt.nz/assets/Documents/Consultation/2017/October/Takapuneke-Conservation-Report-FINAL-Dec-2012.PDF


[FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.] Aeaboa, March 9. This great feast liakea place on Tuesday, March 17, and as the time approaches the event is looked forward to with the greatest interest. The event which is to be celebrated is one of the most famous in Maori history. Eauparaha, a very strong chief in the North Island, in consequence of a feud with the Maoris of the South, came down with a large following. The Peninsula Maoris fled to Onawe, which they considered, from its position, could best be defended. Hera they erected fortifications which areamarvelof strength. The attacking chief landed at Barry’s Bay, and after severe fighting for two or three days on either side, took the pah, massacring nearly all the besieged. It is said that the Maori ovens to be seen, about Onawe were used for cooking human flesh, and that-the victors feasted on the dead bodies of the slain. The Onawe Peninsula, where this event occurred, is the most remarkable in Akaroa Harbour, and is at once noticed by those travelling from Little River or Pigeon Bay to Akaroa. Running out into the water, it resembles a pear in the distance. The place now belongs to Mr P. Callaghan, and it is due to his efforts, and the assistance of many that are eager to help him, that this novel entertainment is to be provided to the public on March 17. The day’s proceedings will commence with the roasting of the ox. This animal has been specially fattened for the event, and is a tremendous beast. The oven in which he will be roasted is to be situated amongst the old fortifications of the pah, which are still in good preservation. As soon as the ox is considered to be cooked, the ceremony of uncovering it will take place. There will be any amount of provisions for all who go, both Maoris and whites. Then Maori sports will be held—wrestling, running, &c. Following these will be a Maori war dance, and from the number of Natives tbat have stated their intention of being present on the day, this should be worth travelling a long way to see, and will be a sight that has been seldom witnessed by white men in this island. After this there will be horseracing, and the conclusion will be a hunter’s trial. The Maori part of the programme will be conducted by Mr George Robinson. There will be Maoris present from Little River, Onuku, Tikao, Port Levy, Kaiapoi and Raupaki. A strong Committee is formed to carry out the day’s proceedings, and tents will be erected where the festival is to be held. People from all parts of the district have sent good things, and there will be plenty of beef, mutton, potatoes, geese, ducks, fowls, &c., for all. There will also be beer, spirits and wine; but the Committee intend to prevent any abuse of these, and the strictest care will be taken to guard against anything like riotous behaviour, although all will be permitted to enjoy themselves .to the fullest extent. The Akaroa will run from Lyttelton on the day, and Mr Lee, the coach proprietor, has already arranged to convey over the hill as many as come to Pigeon Bay in the Jane Douglas. Many visitors are expected from Christchurch and Lyttelton. Many of the schools on the Peninsula will be closed on the day of the feast, and it is sure to be observed as a strict holiday in Akaroa and in most parts of the Peninsula.

Source: https://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/newspapers/LT18910310.2.47

Добавлено на ленту времени:

15 сен 2020


17 март 1891 г.
~ 133 г назад