June 15, 2024

14 март 2020 г. - The UNOS declares war against Cydonia


Since the Imperial Empire was already in a war with Cydonia, the founder (brickzebra) and the other councils decided to declare war on Cydonia with the UNOS.

Here is the Statement :
Hello members of the United Nations.
Today is the day, after weeks, Cydonia has gain too much power.

Killet and his group are accused of:
-trying to dominate other groups
-destroying end portals to keep profits for them
-making fun of their enemies at any moment
-taking over GOL
-Insulting members of the United Nations without any reasons
-Insiding United Nations groups
-controlling and killing by players at spawn
-disrupting any travel to 0.0

The United Nations are now officially in war against Cydonia.
This war is not like any other you have seen.
This war is a total war:
- Next weeks and next months, i will do less vote, less meetings, all we need is to be clever and act quickly.
I will message every groups leaders about that.
- we will grief every base that is not a UNOS members base
- pvping at spawn
- A Secretary - General will be elected to lead the United Nations during this war and help Nations to stay United

I suggest to all groups to take the example on our friends, East Star, they are destroying highways at 0,0 to fuck Cydonia and giving kits to newcomers that can escape spawn because of their acting.

Any Cydonia members will need to be killed, they will need to be insided.
Maybe you think it's against the United Nations principles but remember, our goal is to destroy any dominations in this server.

"There can be only one" is the wrong way to explain us.
We are United and we will own the server togethers. No one will be over us, all Nations will be respected after the end of the war.
And for those who don't understand, being part of the United Nations do not mean that you can't attack other groups that are in, it just mean that you'll be an enemy of you do it with the wrong way.

Remember, United we are strong, United we will win, United we fall and unfortunately, divided, we will fall...
Long live the United Nations!

~~ Peace, brickzebra

Добавлено на ленту времени:


14 март 2020 г.
~ 4 гг и 3 мес назад