June 15, 2024

18 ноя 1218 г. - Wynncraft The Silent Expanse


The Emperor notifies the Hero back from their Journey from Gavel that strange events has been happening on the south western side of the province. The Hero Investigates to find hideous creatures attacking locals. The Hero investigates to find out that these creatures are from the Silent Dimension. Apparently the mystics had made an Ender Scroll to tear a hole between Mundus and the Silent dimension. The Silent Dimension is just like Mundus however it is corrupted. All the structures and landmarks and people mimic Mundus but with a corrupted twist. When the Mystics had made the scroll, the corruption had started seeping through into Mundus. If tear is to be left open, all of Mundus will be corrupted just like the Silent Dimension. However if the Mystics had made a scroll to open it, they must had made a scroll to close it. The Hero ventures into abandoned Mystic hideouts but fails to find a scroll that could close the tear. However in one of the hideouts the Hero finds a journal. The Journal is from the accounts of the mystics. here is what it says-

"We have activated another Ender Scroll to open the Silent Dimension. It was going to be part of our master plan to rule all of Nirn just like opening the oblivion portal and summoning monsters all over Wynn, however when we opened the Silent Dimension it acted differently. it acted like a tear between realms rather than a gate to be passed through. Our knowledge of the Silent Dimension was little but we thought we could harness it like the rest of the disasters we caused but that was certainly not the case. The Monsters from the Silent Dimension did not come out like an army as the Oblivion creatures do, but rather it comes out like a corruption seeping in our world slowly. Our confusion led to more investigating and even consulting an elder. The elder seemed to be right to be mad after we had told him what we had done. We told him that we already had a plan to close the tear, but the elder said the Silent Dimension does not work like that. He said the Ender Scroll power is not great enough to seal up the tear between realms. The Corruption magic is to great which keeps the tear open. The elder said the only way to close it for an extended period of time is to weaken the corruption magic and then activating the Ender Scroll. But the only way of doing that is to venture inside the realm and shut down the life force of the Silent Dimension. We asked him where it could be but he said he didn't know exactly. But he could have an idea if he saw inside. Once he said that he knew what we would have him do. We ordered him to go inside to figure it out. He refused but we forced him to go. We had three of our own men accompany him inside the Dimension. That's the terrible thing, we haven't seen them for months now. if we had successfully taken the throne from the Emperor, we would still have to deal with the Corruption. But we didn't win. We have lost. An unknown imperial hero had stopped us in our tracks and foiled our plan. Now the rest of our hideouts are being raided by imperial forces. I am going to have to leave. I am leaving this journal here in case someone finds it. If you are reading this, Find them and stop the corruption before it kills us all."
After the hero had read that, they would have to venture inside the Silent Dimension. After searching and investigating, the Hero found the Elder in the Silent Dimension. The Elder told the hero that all the men had died but he remains. He said he does not know where the life force is but he does know that it is in the most important place that would be in Mundus. Since the Silent Dimension is a corrupted copy of Mundus, The most important place on nirn is the Imperial palace. So the hero ventures to the palace but needs a key to get inside. the Hero talks to the elder and asks where the key is. the Elder says that it is probably in the highest place in the realm. The hero investigates the corrupted counterpart of Mount Wynn where the hero finds out via monster that the key is separated into three parts. One part is in the mountain while the others are in Olmic City and Eldritch outlook. the Hero obtains the key parts but asks the Monster at town of lutho how to put the key parts together. The monster says the forge is in the Path to Darkness. The Hero puts the key together and finds the Elder. The hero says that the Elder can leave but the elder says that he will come with the hero. They venture inside the Palace where they defeat the final boss who is protecting the life force. The elder says that he can deactivate the life force temporarily so the hero can activate the scroll. The elder says but once the scroll is activated, he can't leave. So the elder will activate the life force and the hero will leave the Silent Dimension and say the scroll. hero leaves the Elder at the palace while the hero leaves the realm. Once outside the realm the hero activates the scroll and the tear is sealed.

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19 дн назад


18 ноя 1218 г.
~ 806 г назад
