June 15, 2024

18 ч 17 июн 2004 г. - Speed wakes up from his high and hears biters. (Descent)


- Day 334
- Speed wakes up on the edge of the hidden marijuana field. He forgets what happened and how he let himself fall asleep unguarded in the open. Then he realises he'd been smoking weed through a fountain pen for hours. He lets out a small stoner laugh before stopping himself as he smells several biters is close by.
- He can't see Matthew anywhere and estimates that there's possibly fifty to sixty biters close. He arms himself and slowly makes his way through the edge of the tobacco field calling out for Matthew. He sees the top of a figure's head approaching him inside the tall crops and is about to shoot when Matthew pops out and tells him to get down.
- Speed, still slightly high, quickly gets down when he spots a figure behind him. An old female biter lunges out the field at him and he quickly shoots her in the head. He panics at the noise he's made but Matthew drags him away from the scene to show him something else.

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18 ч 17 июн 2004 г.
~ 20 г назад
