June 15, 2024

28 июн 1919 г. - Treaty of versailles


After the end of world war one during a peace conference that was being held in France, the victorious allies from world war one concluded a series of peace treaties that was imposed onto the towers that defeated the towers that defeated the central powers. The most important of these was the treaty of Versailles, this was signed in June 1919 at the palace of Versailles in Paris, France. The treaty which contained the codified peace terms between the allies and Germany, held Germany responsible for starting the war which would really affect and imply harsh penalties in terms of loss of territory for Germany, and would also have massive reparations, payments and devirilization.
This was far from, peaceful without victory which was implied heavily by the presidents Woodrow Wilson had outlined in his famous fourteen points in early nineteen hundreds, (in nineteen eighteen) the treaty of Versailles humiliated Germany while they failed to resolve the hidden issues that had led to world war one in the fist place. The economic distress and resentment of the treaty within Germany helped fuel the ultra-nationalist sentiment that led to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party, as well as the coming of world war two in a few decades.
There was lots of criticism of the treaty of Versailles which was signed on June twenty eighth nineteen-nineteen. This was five years after Gavrilo Princip assassinated his wife and Archduke Franz Ferdinand which was during the outbreak of war. Even though the treaty included a covenant creating the league of nations an organisation aimed at providing peace.

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28 июн 1919 г.
~ 105 г назад