June 15, 2024

19 ч 11 март 2005 г. - Negan burns the side of Mark's face using the Iron. (Issue 105) (Issue 106)


- Day 601
- Everyone is gathered downstairs around a large furnace. Mark is tied to a chair while Amber is comforted by Sherry close by. Negan tells Carl to hold Lucille and tells everyone that what is about to take place doesn't have to happen, but they can't ignore the rules, because the rules keep them alive. They bring security to others and restore civilisation, because they're the Saviors, and the rules make it all work.
- When Negan chooses a new wife, the process is completely voluntary. But it comes with the price of total devotion, or it's the Iron for you.
- Negan apologises to Mark and burns the left side of his face with the glowing red hot Iron. Mark passes out from the pain and now forever bears the shame of his actions on his face. Negan never wants to do that again. Sherry looks at Dwight, who glares back at her. Negan tells Carl that he probably thinks he's a lunatic, the two walk off and figure out what to do next.
- Amber reaches out to Mark as he is carried away but is stopped by Dwight who says she'll only make things worse. Sherry goes to say something to Dwight but is told to shut up.
- Carl asks if he can wrap up his face again but Negan says he's not done with him and asks what he thinks his punishment should be. Carl tells him he should jump out a window to save him the trouble of killing him. Negan finds this funny and says he'll think of something.

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19 ч 11 март 2005 г.
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