June 15, 2024

14 ч 25 фев 2005 г. - They reach the Hilltop Colony. (Issue 94) (Issue 95)


- Day 587
- Jesus asks to quickly pull over because he needs to 'go to the little boy's room'. Rick offers to take down his pants for him but he's on his own from there. Jesus says he's got it covered and reveals that his hands are untied and he could have freed himself at any point. He was testing Rick and he passed. Now he's gained Jesus' trust. He complements Rick on the way he's raised Carl to be a decent person which is how he knows they're good.
- Now he needs Rick to trust him in return and in the distance atop a hill, Jesus welcomes them to the Hilltop Colony. Rick says how he can't allow his people to enter the community knowing they'd be outnumbered. Jesus asks Rick to trust him as he could have attacked them in the van last night if he wanted to. Rick wants their leader to come outside alone and unarmed. Jesus tells him that he can't just let him use their leader as a hostage because they need to trust them too. They ran out of bullets months ago and Jesus decides to let them keep their weapons within the walls.
- Rick reluctantly agrees to go inside as a group.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


14 ч 25 фев 2005 г.
~ 19 г назад
