June 15, 2024

14 ч 23 фев 2005 г. - A group returns from a supply run, Alexandria is running out of food (Issue 91)


- Day 585
- Aaron and Eric are almost attacked by walkers but saved last second. They joke about having been inside the walls for a few weeks and already losing their awareness outside. They decide to leave and pack up the supplies into their van. Maggie tells Glenn that her being out here with him to see how things go has helped a lot and she feels safer weirdly. They leave as to get back before night.
- Rick knows that they're going to run out of food again soon, no matter how much they find. Canned goods are starting to go bad and they're going to have to seriously farm to make fresh food. Nicholas suggests they use about three or four backyards from the vacant houses for farming. Abraham offers to organise that.
- Sophia asks Carl when Glenn and Maggie will be back. He says tomorrow at the latest. She asks if his eye hurts but he tells her it doesn't. She feels bad because nothing bad ever happens to her. Carl tells her that both of her parents are dead and she tells him she knows but just likes to pretend that Glenn and Maggie are them.
- Andrea asks Rick if bringing Nicholas into the inner circle and meetings was a good idea. Rick tells her to 'keep your enemies closer' but he doesn't actually see Nicholas as a threat. Andrea tells Rick that she's going home now... Alone. Rick notices she stopped wearing Dale's hat. She tells him not to try and push her away but he insists that their relationship could never work. She says it's bullshit and that they're both the most compatible out of everyone here. Rick says he cares about her but almost everyone he's loved has died and he doesn't want her to as well.
- Abraham worries about the supply runner group each passing day and hope's Rick's idea is the right thing.

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14 ч 23 фев 2005 г.
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