June 15, 2024

10 ч 30 мин, 7 ноя 2004 г. - Nicholas orchestrates a coop and stands off with Glenn, Rick regains control. (Issue 89) (Issue 90)


- Day 477
- While Rick's group are out, Spencer and Nicholas back a truck full of dirt up against the inner wall to begin piling it. Olivia asks them if she can help in anyway so Nicholas brings the two of them aside and tells them about his talk with Heath yesterday (see day 476). Heath is further up Rick's ass than they thought, he plans on orchestrating a move soon before everyone gets on Rick's side. Or he'll be the death of them all. Olivia agrees that Rick shouldn't be in charge but doesn't agree that he'll get them all killed. Nicholas believes if they refuse Rick's 'bullshit' jobs they'll be taking orders down the barrel of a gun and they must kill him before it gets to that.
- Glenn who heard the entire conversation pretends he wasn't there. Nicholas asks Glenn how many of them have Rick and the others gotten killed? They're dropping like flies and things are only getting worse. Glenn unholsters his gun and is tackled and beaten by Nicholas. Olivia tells him to stop but Nicholas pulls Glenn's own gun on him and is subsequently punched in the groin.
- The supply run group decide to head back after not finding much. Rick thinks that some of these narrow streets could be blocked off using only about three cars. He asks Aaron why they haven't done that before but he says Tobin would have declared it too dangerous. Eric found too many clothes to carry and so they plan on sending the truck to collect them and then expanding the search.
- Glenn rushes into his house, gets another gun and tells Maggie and Sophia to lock themselves away. Spencer asks Nicholas how far he's going to go with this in disappointment. Nicholas believes that everyone will rally behind him when their coop starts picking up steam. Heath asks Nicholas if he's lost his mind but he insists he's the only one thinking clearly and preaches his theory about Rick trying to pick them all off, one by one. He screams for Glenn to face him or he'll kill his family at which point the two end up holding guns directly at each other's faces.
- Rick Grimes and the supply group return and Rick demands answers as to what is going on. Nicholas wearily tells Rick that he's taking back the place to which Rick asks if he's taking it back from Andrea? Abraham? Michonne? Glenn? Or Rick. Nicholas lowers his gun on command and asks if Rick is going to kill him. Rick quotes the dollar by saying "united we stand, divided we fall" and tells Nicholas that they all need each other in the community. After a short speech, Rick lets Nicholas go but promises to keep an eye on him for a while.
- Everyone goes home.

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10 ч 30 мин, 7 ноя 2004 г.
~ 19 г назад
