June 15, 2024

13 ч 1 ноя 2004 г. - Abraham's group clear out roamers. (Issue 79)


- Day 471
- Tobin drives back towards the safe-zone and runs over a walker. Abraham kills one right outside the gate and tells him to get inside as several more approach.
- It starts to snow while Abraham explains a task to a large group of residents. Their recent shootout has drawn the attention of many roamers in the area. Abraham will take a group left of the gate to clear out roamers with blunt weapons while another group goes right. Every fifty feet or so they'll leave some people behind to keep the path clear. Everyone understands and so they get to work.
- They quickly realise that there's more than they thought. Glenn orders Spencer to stay behind and keep the path clear as Heath point out more roamers.
- Abraham doesn't want Glenn's group to get overwhelmed and orders Holly to keep the path clear while they power forward.
- Glenn's group reaches the back wall at the same time as Abraham's group. Glenn lets Abraham kill the last roamer. Abraham tells the group that it's likely they're going to have to do this a few more times in the coming days. These next few weeks are going to be rough.
- They Suddenly they hear a warning shot from Andrea and both teams go back the way they came to pick up their team members and meet back at the gate.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


13 ч 1 ноя 2004 г.
~ 19 г назад
