June 15, 2024

1 фев 2020 г. - PM Communication Kickoff


PM Vendor Communication Kickoff

1. PM will identify tier 1 & 2 vendors they think would benefit and/or be a great partner for release.

2. List of vendors will be vetted through the appropriate MMM's for approval

3. Once approved, PM's begin pitching on the phones during campaign review calls, standard email communication, etc... to begin teasing the new product/feature to vendors and establishing launch expectations up front.
Through this process, PM's will identify potential vendors to test with.

Example wording & phrasing to leverage:

- “First to market”, “Pilot”, “Getting in at the ground floor”
- “Estimated launch date of X”
- “When launching a new feature, we should expect potential delays”
- Trusted vendor – appreciate their flexibility with the release
- Include a backup plan in the event of a launch delay
- Provide quarter estimates for when product/feature will be available (1-2 months prior to expected launch)

4. PM's will kickoff one of two streams of communication:

- Does the product require custom creative?
- Does the product require no custom creative?

Добавлено на ленту времени:


1 фев 2020 г.
~ 4 гг и 4 мес назад