June 15, 2024

21 сент 2018 г. - Housing New Zealand Corporation - social objectives instated


The Government announced that new social objectives for the Housing New Zealand Corporation would be enshrined in legislation. The new social objectives were:
• providing good quality, warm, dry, and healthy rental housing for those who need it most;
• assisting tenants to sustain a tenancy; supporting tenants to be well-connected to their communities, to lead lives with dignity, and the greatest degree of independence possible;
• being a fair and reasonable landlord, treating tenants and their neighbours with respect, integrity and honesty;
• building and leasing additional houses in order to meet social need and fill housing shortages where they occur;
• managing its housing stock prudently, upgrading and managing the portfolio to ensure it remains fit for purpose;
• assisting neighbourhoods and communities in which it operates housing to flourish as cohesive, safe and prosperous places to live;
• working with other agencies to achieve housing policy goals and improve tenant welfare;
• providing services and products to support people accessing affordable housing; and
• other social objectives as notified by the Minister in writing.

Source: https://www.msd.govt.nz/about-msd-and-our-work/about-msd/history/social-assistance-chronology-programme-history.html

Добавлено на ленту времени:


21 сент 2018 г.
~ 5 гг и 8 мес назад