June 15, 2024

1 ноя 2003 г. - Department of Building and Housing - created


Following a major review, the Government decided to bring together building and housing policy making, regulation and dispute resolution into one organisation. The new Department of Building and Housing took over the functions of the Ministry of Housing. Related functions previously undertaken by the Building Industry Authority, the Ministry of Economic Development and Housing New Zealand Corporation were also added to the new Department.
On 1 July 2005, the Weathertight Homes Resolution Service was transferred from the Department of Internal Affairs and responsibility for the administration of the Retirement Villages Act was also transferred to the new Department. The Electrical Workers Licensing Group joined the Department in September 2006.
The Department of Building and Housing had an overview of the entire building and housing sector and its main goal was to improve building quality and housing availability to all New Zealanders. The consolidation of the government's building and housing-related activities was designed to improve and streamline the delivery of building and housing services to the public, ensure an effective regulatory system and deliver good quality advice to government.
On 1 July 2012, the Department of Building and Housing became part of the new Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

Source: https://www.msd.govt.nz/about-msd-and-our-work/about-msd/history/social-assistance-chronology-programme-history.html

Добавлено на ленту времени:


1 ноя 2003 г.
~ 20 г назад