June 15, 2024

22 янв 2018 г. - MTN Cameroon launches Facebook Flex


Cameroon, Feb. 6 -- MTN Cameroon announced the launch of Facebook Flex in partnership with Facebook. Designed to function with any type of phone (2G, 3G and 4G), Facebook Flex enables the subscriber to browse on his Facebook account, exchange with friends, read, comment, share and send messages to friends and family without consuming their data bundle. Data volume is used only to visualize photos and videos.

How does Facebook Flex function?

Designed to function with any type of phone (2G,3G and 4G), Facebook Flex enables the subscriber to browse on his Facebook account, exchange with friends, read, comment, share and send messages to friends and family without consuming their data bundle.

How to access the proposition?

To access Facebook Flex, the subscriber has 02 options:

• Download the Android Facebook application or connect to www.facebook.com
• Dial the free service access code: *222#

How much does the proposition cost?

Facebook Flex is entirely free of charge. However, the user can use his data volume to visualize photos and videos.

What is the difference between Facebook Flex and Facebook?

• Facebook: In this complete Facebook mode, browsing is billed on your data bundle and you can access photos and videos.
• Facebook Flex (free version): Enables the greater majority to discover free Internet, that is, without data bundle, and to always stay connected with friends and family. Photos and videos are not accessible. To visualize them, the client can simply switch to the complete Facebook mode.

According to MTN Cameroon’s Chief Marketing Officer, Linda Kouam, “MTN is committed to providing its customers with simple, affordable and accessible digital solutions to make their lives a whole lot brighter. Consequently, as a key driver of the development of the local digital economy, MTNC contributes to bridge the digital divide by providing its subscribers with Facebook Flex to enable them stay connected with their friends and family at all times.”

This year once more, MTN Cameroon affirms its leadership by proving its engagement to offer the best digital Services to its subscribers: more interactions and more sharing with friends and family for a BRIGHTER world!

Добавлено на ленту времени:

16 сен 2019


22 янв 2018 г.
~ 6 гг и 4 мес назад

