June 15, 2024

30 авг 2018 г. - Cameroonians' anger against Orange speaks with #Orangeisthenewmafia


n Cameroon, the grumbling of Orange users is expressed on social networks through the hashtag (keyword) #orangeisthenewmafia, in reference to the famous American TV series Netflix "Orange is the new black". They ask the French mobile operator to remove a service they consider contrary to the interest of users.
It all started a few days ago when Florian Ngimbis, a Cameroonian blogger who is very well followed on social networks, realizes that he can no longer make a phone call when he has just reloaded his account.

The reason ? Part of his credit would have been transferred by the operator to his Internet reserve when he did not ask for anything. Despite his various questions to the supplier, he receives no response. He then decides to complain about his social accounts and is quickly joined by several Internet users.

This story is a bit of a straw that breaks the camel's back. On Twitter, the hashtag (keyword) #Orangeisthenewmafia is now used by Cameroonians to tell their woes with the French mobile operator Orange.

Добавлено на ленту времени:

16 сен 2019


30 авг 2018 г.
~ 5 гг и 9 мес назад
