June 15, 2024

4 янв 1 г. - Capture the flag/ Summer is hospitalized


ch 31-32, i will not scatter
~ch 31- 34(2/3 of the way) happens on the same
day. last third of 34 takes place the next day.

The game take place in Forever Fall Forest. The teams are composed of halves of teams. Blue Team: Taiyang, Barty, Ophelia, Argent, Sigyn, Summer, Katay, and Benjamen. Red Team: Qrow, Liana Naga Raven Reinhardt Sierra Natalia and Becca. One person is designated as the flag for each team. The first round went without trouble. The second round had Becca beating down Summer, who dropped her aura in part form Qrow's semblance, burning her side with a flaming foot stomp. This causes Raven to fight her, leading to Raven to stab her sword through Becca's should and her to the ground. Raven then threatens Becca before head to Summer's side.

a few minutes later professor Murt & a Bullhead with the school's healers, professors Arc and Ozpin arrive. The healers take Summer and Becca to the hospital for treatment. Raven went with the professors back to Beacon, along the way Nwyfre appears, unsee by the professors.

upon arrive to Ozpin's office they are greeted by Tormund. Tormund had a one-sided conversation about Ozpin's action before threatening the council and king. He then leaves with Raven, Nwyfre in tow. Raven & Tormund have a conversation without Nwfre Present, talking about her past as a witchfinger. afterwards the head towards the hospital where Summer is at.

Добавлено на ленту времени:

2 мая 2022


4 янв 1 г.
~ 2024 г назад