June 15, 2024

27 фев 1 г. - Mountain Glenn


ch48-55, i will not scatter
~Starts off at night in ch 48 end at noon the next
day in 55.

STRQ & Ozpin made their way to Mt. Glenn, killing grimm along the way. Ozpin now in rang sent all data they recovered to Arc via scroll. When they come into view of Mt. Glenn, they find three Jotun were staggering towards the city. other segments of the city was besieged by hordes of every grimm. A segment of the south-eastern wall had been breached.

Within half a mile of the walls STRQ fended off Gryphons and was saved by a turret on a wall from Beowolfs, Boarbatusks, and a band of Abu. An armored truck with two witchfingers pulled alongside them and transported them to Hunter Command Center. Upon reaching HCC, Arc greeted them and Ozpin relieved Tormund from command. Tormund pulled Raven aside and pulled out a glyphed amulet to make sure their conversation is private. He asked if Nwyfre was responsible for destroying the city's field generator and led an army of grimm. Raven denies, saying Nwyfre is in Anima. Tormund tell Raven that Nwyfre is in Vale. He ended the Conversation with reminded Raven her duty was to her teammates and Summer, deactivating the amulet before walking away.

Professor Arc led them to the resupply station and gave them earpieces. After Professor Arc left Raven pulled Qrow aside and told him what Tormund said to her. APV transported STRQ, BBLK, Murt and OBSN to a drop point. The teams separated at a four way stop; STRQ taking the right, BBLK taking the left, and OBSN and Murt went straight. STRQ come across a crashed transport surrounded by Beowolves and Skogtrolls. STRQ killed the grimm and escorted thirteen survivors to the drop point.

Sometime later Tai received an arm injury due to getting to close to Qrow and was affected by his semblance. Summer & Raven heads off to help BBLK, leaving Qrow & Tai at the drop point. Summer & Raven ran to BBLK fight several grimm. Upon reaching BBLK and civilians Raven use her semblance to get back to the drop point. Summer gets pin by a bat grimm draining her aura. Lura buff Summer's aura letting her get free. Everyone is swarmed by grimm while the civilians continue to go through Raven semblance. Becca is captured by a Jorogumo. Lura tell HCC about the Jorogumo before Barty attacks it.

Summer rushes the Jorogumo to free Becca, while everyone else deals with the swarm of spider Grimlings. Summer uses her semblance to escape with Becca but was swarmed by the Grimlings. Summer activates her silver eyes subconsciously, freezing all grimm. Everyone, except Barty left through Raven's semblance to the drop point. While Barty used his semblance to exploded the Jorogumo & Grimlings. Barty uses Raven's semblance and arrives at the drop point. HCC calls all personal to fall back to HCC and that their evacuating civilians underground. Another section of the walls has been breach, Mt. Glenn is beyond saving. Murt & OBSN refuse and are later announced dead.

Nwyfre saves a crashing bullhead thinking STRQ is on it. Lura tells her that they gave up their seats and gave her the route they're taking. STRQ finished fighting grimm when they heard a Nevermores call. They see Nwyfre fighting the two witchfingers on the rooftops. Raven & Qrow joins the fight after telling Summer & Tai that Nwyfre is their mom. The fight ends with Nwyfre pinning one of the witchfingers and the arrival of Summer & Tai. Nwyfre knocks out the witchfingers before telling Raven & Qrow that they're leaving. Raven tells her they're staying. They have an argument where Nwyfre confirms that she didn't cause the falling of Mt. Glenn. The argument ends with Nwyfre leaving and Raven & Qrow staying.

STRQ return to HCC and gets reprimanded by Arc before going to the underground station. During STRQ's & JADE's scouting the railroad for Grimm the train returns back but full of grimm. STRQ warns HCC and with the help of JADE stops the train. The tunnel to Vale have collapsed, caused by explosions by an unknown party. JADE is caught in the cave in, Evan is found dead.

In HCC Arc is able to get reinforcements from the council but has to meet them halfway. Raven, Tai, and two other portal users make a portal network that gets almost everyone to the reinforcements. It last until noon the next day.

Добавлено на ленту времени:

2 мая 2022


27 фев 1 г.
~ 2024 г назад