June 15, 2024

12 ч 27 окт 2004 г. - Tobin resigns as construction crew leader, the survivors look at the new houses. (Issue 74)


- Day 466
- At some point during the week, Rick approaches Andrea and offers her a pistol for protection. Andrea is shocked about Rick stealing numerous guns and declines having one as they're not meant to. Rick believes Alexandria to be the last chance Carl has to still be a kid as he is becoming too hard for his own good. Rick states that Carl can't enjoy himself here, he just lost his mother and baby sister (see day 331). He then almost tells Andrea about how Carl killed Ben (see day 410) before stopping himself and saying "you know what Carl's been through."
- He asks Andrea to keep the guns between the two of them.
- Tobin meets up with Douglas and explains that the wall is almost done, and that he will be resigning as leader of the construction crew. Tobin is aware that Holly would be dead is Abraham wasn't there to defy his orders and save her. He asks Douglas about the others who had died under Tobin's leadership on the construction crew, Barnes and Richards.
- Douglas does remember them. He also remembers Carter, Jessica, Beth, Davidson and everyone else the community has lost. Tobin states that the construction crew needs Abraham to lead because he and the others in Rick's group know what they're doing, and he welcomes it.
- After the new wall has been finished and the buildings cleaned out, the community visit the new buildings and talk about spreading out into different houses. Carl doesn't want Andrea to move out. Glenn tells Maggie that the first church service will be happening tonight. Rick says he's not a believer, but he'll go anyway because there's nothing else to do.

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12 ч 27 окт 2004 г.
~ 19 г назад
