June 15, 2024

18 ч 19 окт 2004 г. - Douglas throws a welcoming party for the survivors, Rick meets the Andersons. (Issue 72)


- Day 458
- Later that night Douglas throws the welcoming party for the new survivors. Rick asks Carl if he's having fun but Carl obviously isn't. He says that the hamburgers taste weird but Rick tells him that its all in his head.
- Heath spots Doctor Cloyd who is only making an appearance. She's worried about Scott who still has a bad fever.
- Nicholas approaches Rick and apologises for being hostile the other day when Carl and Mikey got into a fight. Rick appreciates him coming up to him like this. All of a sudden Peter Anderson calls out to Nicholas, having not seen him in days. He asks where Mikey and Paula are to which Nicholas says they're around somewhere. Pete's son with a black eye, Ron, asks if he can go and find Mikey. His mom gives him the approval and he runs along while Rick suspiciously watches.
- Glenn tells several construction crew members about the time when Tyreese was presumed dead after clearing out the prison's gymnasium. Only to be found later, sitting there with all the roamers dead (see day 245).
- Douglas asks Rick if he's having a good time and where Andrea is. Rick tells him she's outside.
- Meanwhile Andrea tells a young man named Spencer about her firearm skills. Spencer tells her to do a demonstration or something as the people living here get bored easily. She dismisses the idea. Douglas arrives and asks the two for any drink requests, Andrea declines. Douglas asks Spencer, his son, where his mother is. Andrea looks shocked.

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18 ч 19 окт 2004 г.
~ 19 г назад
