June 15, 2024

8 сент 1930 г. - Battle of Aman-Kum


On September 8, 1930, in the area of ​​Aman-Kum (30 km north-west of Ak-Chilik, which is 65 km south-west of Lake Chubar-Tengiz) 15 people were captured, including 2 "Khan's" advisers. In the area of ​​Myn-Bulak (120 km south of Lake Chubar-Tengiz), a group of 50 rebels was captured after an exchange of fire. 4 trilinear rifles, 1 rifle, 1 sword, 80 rifle cartridges, gunpowder, manufactory and products were selected. In addition, 25 people were arrested, including 2 Khan advisers and 3 mergens.

However, Zhubanov with several mergens managed to escape from his pursuers to the east, in the direction of the Bedpak-Dala desert. A detachment of 25 sabers was assigned to pursue and capture Zhubanov. According to agent data, a part of the mergenov Zhubanova hid in the area of ​​Kosh-Barmak (40 km north-west of Lake Chubar-Tengiz). In Karsakpay, Irgiz and along the line of the Aral Sea - Kzyl-Orda railroad, barriers of operation groups and communist groups were organized.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


8 сент 1930 г.
~ 93 г назад