June 15, 2024

26 апр 2016 г. - Response from SFA to 20/4/16 letterin which the SFA state that the monitoring process starts on submission by the licensor of the list of licenses granted. The SFA as licensor did not submit the list until 26th May 2011 which strongly suggests anything before then was a granting responsibility of the SFA and adds to the impression the SFA were deliberately misleading in responses to enquiries thereafter in relation to their licensing responsibilities.


The SFA also pointed out it was the responsibility of Rangers FC to inform
them of the 20th May letter for SFA to then
pass to UEFA, but are fuzzy on whether RFC did
so and when.
Celtic had reported verbally to requistitioners in August 2014 that SFA did not have the letter of 20th May 2011 in SFA files, however the SFA appear to be backtracking in the 26th April letter saying “ Even if the information that your clients have brought to our attention was not before us, AND WE DO NOT ACCEPT THAT, it is arguable “ etc.
If it had been provided it only raises questions as to why was it not shared with Harper MacLeod acting on behalf of the SPL in establishing the Lord Nimmo Smith Commission.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


26 апр 2016 г.
~ 8 г назад
