April 1, 2024

27 сент 24 г. до нашей эры - Lamanite Robbers


Ever since the conversion of the Lamanites six years earlier the Lamanites had worked tirelessly to eradicate the Gadianton Robbers from among them. Remember that these Robbers had gained their greatest influence among the Lamanites. Yet, but the end of this year the Lamanites had succeeded in completely destroying the band from among them.

We are told that they used many means to bring this to pass, including legal means to arrest and execute those who committed the crimes. However, the greatest method they had, which had the greatest effect, was the preaching of the word of God and bringing the wicked to repentance. I do not believe this means that they converted all of them. Rather it means that those who were converted were converted enough to turn informant against those who were more hardened and guilty of the greater crimes. Thus, through the preaching of the word the secret works of the Robbers were made known and they were driven from the land.

Добавлено на ленту времени:

12 июл 2020


27 сент 24 г. до нашей эры
~ 2050 г назад