June 15, 2024

15 авг 2613 г. до нашей эры - Yurok of Patha Arga


King Yurok of Patha Arga was a huge historical figure that is credited with the founding of the Silin Empire. He is also the man who Yueroki is named after.
Yurok was born into the Dayeg Tribe in the large village of Patha Arga, the first settlement in Yueroki. He grew up in the village and eventually rose in the local politics quickly by becoming the hunting hand of the village chieftain. Once the chieftain died, Yurok was his chosen heir and during his reign as chieftain, Yurok raided and conquered neighboring villages eventually creating the Tribe of the Silin. The Silin Tribe brought an end to the Yorea tribe and many more. Once conquering the Geros Tribes and the tribes of the Haragorn people, Yurok consolidated his power and declared himself King of Silin (or known then as King of the Yurok People). He was the first King of Yueroki and formed the first mega-state in Mhelinist. Countless legends regarding Yurok often have him named as the Immortal One as Yurok lived to be 87 years old. The most famous legend, the Oipientixian legend of Alo's tree includes a character called the Living One who defends Alo's sacred tree from non believers for eternity. King Yurok died in his sleep from old age and his empire fell 163 years after his death.

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29 дн назад


15 авг 2613 г. до нашей эры
~ 4641 г назад
