June 15, 2024

1 янв 1976 г. - Ebola


Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF) is one of the deadliest viruses to emerge in the last 100 years. Its first identified human case in Africa was in 1976 near the Ebola River. International emergency declared by the WHO in 2014. It is a blood-borne pathogen meaning it's a zoonotic disease and its pathogen "jumps" from animals to human hosts. It is most likely from people eating bushmeat. It is also a biosafety level 4 meaning it's highly contagious with no vaccine or cure. Mortality rates can reach up to 90%. After five days of the virus, a person with begin with a rash and chest pain. After 8-12 days the patient will have a high fever, chest pain, loss of appetite, red eyes, and blood in stool. After 10 days, the patient's symptoms will continue with vomiting, bleeding (from the nose, mouth, eyes, anus), loss of consciousness, seizures, massive internal bleeding, and death. The Outbreak of 2017 was scary for many people. A total of 583 contacts were registered and closely monitored. Only four people died.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


1 янв 1976 г.
~ 48 г назад
