June 15, 2024

17 ч 34 мин, 15 сент 2003 г. - Biters attack Woodbury. (Just Another Day at the Office)


- Day 58
- At 5:34 PM, the same night as Major Gene Gavin's demise, a herd of biters break down the makeshift wooden fence a mile west of the town square. Residents panic and run inside buildings, locking themselves away. A man is cornered in an alley and devoured by the approaching horde of dead. Some residents open fire on the biters but most don't aim for the head and quickly run out of bullets as the dead carry on walking.
- A young boy in a Thomas the Tank Engine sweat suit wanders alone with a blanket. Seven biters approach the boy without him knowing. He is grabbed and runs away, then two more biters lumber out an alley and he trips over, too petrified to scream. The zombies erupt with bullets and four men come to the boy's rescue. Philip Blake tells Martinez to check him for bites, the boy is clean so Martinez takes him to safety.
- Philip, Bruce Cooper and Gabriel Harris mow down a dozen biters and reach the collapsed wall. Philip orders everyone to keep the wall down until he says so and starts throwing weapons to townsfolk from Martinez's SUV. After emptying the vehicle, Philip asks for five minutes and drives out of Woodbury.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


17 ч 34 мин, 15 сент 2003 г.
~ 20 г назад
