June 15, 2024

1 янв 1873 г. - Hansen's Disease (Leprosy)


Leprosy Transmission: The exact mechanism is unknown. Transmission from human to human is through respiratory (nasal) droplets. Once the bacteria come in through the lungs, special Pac-man cells that normally "eat" pathogens take them up, but instead of clearing the infection, they spread them to the blood. People in close contact such as relatives with Leprosy are at the highest risk for transmission. Risk Factors of Leprosy: Close contact, living in an endemic region (India, China, Japan, Nepal, Egypt), being immunocompromised, genetic susceptibility (mutation on chromosome 6), and Armadillo exposure. Physical Indicators of Leprosy:
Indicator One-Visual Signs: Patches or spots on the skin that could be white, darker, or lighter than normal or slightly red.
Two-Loss of Sensation: Loss of feeling and hair loss on the patches is common. On occasion, numbness in a toe or a finger is the only sign of the disease.
Indicator Three-Tissue/Nerve Damage: Damage to the limbs, face, respiratory system, and blindness could occur. Loss of feeling can lead to damage from untended wounds and infection.
Leprosy Symtoms include tissue damage where you can't feel pain. There are two different other types of Leprosy manifestations that can be different symptomatically. Tuburculoid Leprosy symptoms include severe pain, muscle weakness, skin stiffness & dryness, loss of fingers & toes, eye problems, blindness, and enlarged nerves. Lepromatous Leprosy symptoms include thickened skin on the face, nasal stuffiness, bloody nose, laryngitis, collapsing of the nose, swelling of the lymph nodes in the groin & armpits, scarring of the testes that leads to infertility, and enlargement of male breasts.
Treatment is broken down into four categories. PB (paucibacillary) versus MB (multibacillary) as well as child versus adult treatment for each one. PB adult treatment (PB adult blister pack) is a 6 month pack treatment. PB child treatment (PB child blister pack 10-14yrs old) is a 6 month pack treatment. MB adult treatment (MB adult blister pack) is a 12 month pack treatment. MB child treatment (MB child blister pack 10-14yrs old) is a 12 month pack treatment.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


1 янв 1873 г.
~ 151 г назад
