June 15, 2024

22 ч 29 авг 2004 г. - A group of marauders try to rape Carl, Rick slaughters two. (Issue 57)


- Day 407
- Abraham is on watch. A group of three marauders hold him at gunpoint. The one marauder goes into the back of the truck and looks at Carl. This wakes up Rick and the second one, Andy, grabs him around the neck. One of them grabs Carl by the hair and drags him into the road. Rick headbutts Andy and knocks his knife out of his hand. He throws a punch at him but gets hit back and restrained because of his hand. Andy orders the one marauder to take off Carl's pants which he does. They're going to rape Carl and make Rick watch.
- Carl squirms on the floor and gets punched in the face. Rick retaliates and gets beaten by Andy who then holds his arms down. Rick bites down on Andy's neck and rips out his jugular with his teeth. This shocks the other two bandits and Abraham shoots Craig in the head. The last bandit threatens to kill Carl. Rick grabs the knife from the floor and approaches the bandit. He drops Carl and starts to run away before Rick pounces on him and disembowels him with the knife. Abraham holds Carl whilst he watches...

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22 ч 29 авг 2004 г.
~ 19 г назад
