June 15, 2024

1 ч 28 авг 2004 г. - Rick dreams about Lori. (Issue 55)


- Day 406
- Rick saves Carl from getting ran over by a car. He takes him back inside and tells Lori he couldn't protect him. She turns into a roamer and kisses him before tell him that he can't protect anyone. She starts to devour Rick whilst he convinces himself he deserves it.
- Rick wakes up with a gasp. He climbs out of his tent and startles Abraham who is on watch. He takes over Abe's shift because he is wide awake and doesn't want to wake up Carl. Abraham goes back to his tent and when all is quiet, Rick brings the telephone out of his bag. He tells 'Lori' about his dream and she tries to convince him that its not his fault and there was nothing he could have done. He explains why it was his fault and gets no reply, having convinced himself.
- He asks her where she is and she tells him she's in a good place with everyone they've lost and are much better off, though Rick was never religious and he is hearing what he wants to. He asks if he is crazy and tells her that he needs to stop doing this. Glenn wakes up and stumbles out to take over Abraham's shift, still semi-asleep. Rick tells him to go back to bed.
- Glenn goes back to his tent and tells Maggie that Rick is on watch instead. He asks if he can get her anything but she tells him to just hold her and lies awake.

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1 ч 28 авг 2004 г.
~ 19 г назад
