June 15, 2024

7 ч 30 авг 2004 г. - Rick reunites with a now unstable Morgan Jones, Duane is a roamer. (Issue 58) (Issue 59)


- Day 408
- They arrive at the old Grimes house. Carl doesn't want to go inside but Rick isn't here to look in there. He walks over to the neighbour's house and is hit over the head with a shovel. It doesn't knock him out but he remembers that this has happened to him before (see day 123), so calls out to Duane that its him, Rick. He looks up to see a crazed Morgan Jones.
- Abraham points his gun at Morgan and he remembers who Rick is. Morgan lowers his weapon and Rick asks him what happened.
- Morgan shows the group his son, Duane, who has died since Rick last saw the two and is now being kept, chained up and fed human remains. He has been dead for about three months, maybe longer. In that time Morgan has killed four men who were looking for supplies and could have been hostile.
- Rick tells Morgan that Duane isn't his little boy anymore and needs to be let go. Rick invites Morgan to leave with them and hands him a gun to put down Duane. Morgan takes a moment to say goodbye to his son.
- Rick leaves the house and a shot is heard. They believe he has killed himself until he exits and tells them its done. Duane, however, is still a roamer and has actually been set free to roam the streets.
- Morgan introduces himself to Carl and hugs him which makes Carl feel uncomfortable. Abraham doesn't like Morgan coming back with them and rides in the back.

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7 ч 30 авг 2004 г.
~ 19 г назад
