June 15, 2024

14 ч 17 июн 2004 г. - Rick and Carl are unsuccessful at hunting and witness a survivor die. (Issue 51)


- Day 334
- Rick and Carl are unsuccessful with hunting and figure they should probably start looking early in the morning. They make their way back to the house and hear disturbing, desperate screaming coming from nearby. They rush to a clearing and find a man desperately screaming for help and a dozen roamers surrounding him. The man is quickly devoured by the swarm. Carl tries to help him but Rick tells him that the man was already bitten and a shot would only put them in danger and possibly even lead some of the roamers back to the house.
- They come across and abandoned car in the woods which is filled with a weeks worth of supplies. They figure that the car belonged to the man from earlier who must have been suicidal. They take the car and supplies back with them.

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14 ч 17 июн 2004 г.
~ 19 г назад
