June 15, 2024

18 ч 17 мин, 13 июн 2004 г. - Michonne and Tyreese attack Woodbury, Tyreese is captured. (The Fall of the Governor: Part 2)


- Day 330
- At 6:17 PM, nobody notices two figures, a man and a woman, sneak out the prison and slip into the treeline.
- Raymond's group consisting of James Steagal, Gloria Pyne, Daniel and Eric get ready to move out and scout the prison. Gabe joins them. Raymond thinks he hears something, they decide to go back and find a ridge that overlooks the prison. James tells the group that he needs to pee and will catch up. He goes into a clearing and starts to relieve himself, suddenly two figures jump out from the woods and the one, wielding a katana sword decapitates his head between the ear and jaw.
- Raymond wonders down and spots the two as they're trying to hide the body. The second invader, a large muscular black man, tackles Ray to the ground causing Ray to hit his head on a rock and fall unconscious for a moment. Gabe finds Ray on the floor and the man named Tyreese struggling to his feet, he grabs Michonne and starts trying to run away but she stops him and they jump down to a ditch.
- The group loses track of them and searches for an endless minute, occasionally hearing sounds around them and fearing that biters are drawing near. Suddenly Michonne jumps up and Gabe dodges the sword by a centimetre, realising that they were throwing stones to distract them.
- Gunfire erupts and in the chaos Eric is killed, Tyreese is wounded and Michonne escapes, leaving her katana. Gabe orders the party to keep the man alive and goes to chase after Michonne. He realises he can't catch up to her so he aims his laser site and fires off a dozen successive shots, all missing the woman. She vanishes into the trees. Outraged, Gabe kills a biter then gets an idea, he makes up a story that he actually killed the woman.
- Gabe approaches the Governor with Ray and Daniel carrying a beaten and injured Tyreese, and Gloria behind them with a load of weapons on her back. He explains how they were attacked and Eric and James were killed. He goes on to inform the Governor that Michonne ran away, so he "blew her fucking brains out". The Governor goes on to question him and make sure she's dead. Gabe calls over Gloria who hands him Michonne's sword. Gabe gives it to Philip as a trophy and apologises for her death not being as slow and painful as he would have liked.

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18 ч 17 мин, 13 июн 2004 г.
~ 19 г назад
