June 15, 2024

28 фев 2018 г. - Met with Mr. Bowen told I don't understand SCADA system and he refuses to clarify what he means


At my next meeting with my boss I was told that I had analyzed the wrong code. I explained that my co worker (who was also in the meeting) said to look up the water scheduling code. He said that I needed to listen better. He was very condescending during the entire meeting. He asked me if I understood the SCADA system so I explained how the control worked for each unit demonstrating what each piece equipment was used for and their method of communication. He did not seem to understand what I was talking about as he continued to be condescending. I mentioned to him that I was not given any assistance in locating the information for my assignment and all he said was “OK”. To this date my IDP does not have any technical expectations. I do not know what is expected of me technically and have not been given any assistance in getting this information or information about the facility. I am being given different assignments from my boss and my co-worker, which also made my time here quite confusing. See Assignment from Boss 1_31_2018. Boss has seemed to mis-represent the job. I was told during the interview I would be getting mentorship. Mentioned in the interview mentorship is very important to me. I want to be mentored and I want to mentor others. It is now evident since I have taken the job I will be given no mentorship or even basic information from my co-worker or my supervisor.
I was given a new assignment to understand every number on the Hoover Load Limit Summary. Understand the LVL Subroutine. Understand the following definitions Spinning Reserve, Condense Capacity, and ACE. I was given no information of where to find these items.

Добавлено на ленту времени:

24 авг 2019


28 фев 2018 г.
~ 6 гг и 3 мес назад