June 15, 2024

24 дек 2018 г. - TB, MDR TB and XDR TB: Why You Should Always Follow Directions


Tuberculosis is a very troublesome disease; requiring a trio of drugs to handle at it's simplest form, the fact that people don't always take their antibiotics as they really should, either not taking enough of them or taking them when they don't need to, has given rise to new forms that are drug resistant. MDR or multiple drug resistant is to at least two of the main drugs for the treatment of TB, namely rifampin and isoniazid. The worst case though is XDR or extremely drug resistant, where is immune to those two plus at least one second line antibiotics, fluroquinolone, needing more expensive and more harsh drugs to treat at the very best and having no treatment options open at the worst.

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24 дек 2018 г.
~ 5 гг и 5 мес назад