June 15, 2024

7 ч 11 апр 2004 г. - The prison group worry about Rick, Glenn and Michonne. (Issue 30)


- Day 267
- A figure dressed in full riot gear runs back to the abandoned car in the field. Roamers get closer and he manages to get the car working but it's stuck in the mud.
- Andrea practices sniping roamers with Dale from the prison's guard tower. Dale is really worried about Rick, Glenn and Michonne who have been gone for about two days. Andrea tells him he shouldn't worry himself to death about it and needs to take his mind off it all.
- Otis and Billy water Hershel's crops. Billy doesn't think there's enough single girls in the prison and wonders if Carol will go out with him. Maybe if he grows a moustache...
- Lori cries because she thinks Rick might be dead. Carol assures her that he's been on his own before and is with Michonne this time, who survived on her own for months. She worries about raising her baby alone. Carol tells her she doesn't have to be alone but Lori takes it as another marriage gesture and takes Carl with her away from Carol.

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7 ч 11 апр 2004 г.
~ 20 г назад
