June 15, 2024

21 ч 45 мин, 9 апр 2004 г. - Lilly trains Austin, she falls out with Stevens. (The Fall of the Governor: Part 1)


- Day 265
- Lilly trains and quizes Austin on knowing his surroundings, knife and gun handling and dealing with walkers for almost an hour.
- He starts to get restless when she tests him for the third time on how to hold his knife. He tells her he's not afraid and trips on a railroad tie. She laughs at him and then apologises, he tells her its alright and he deserves it but she assures him that he doesn't. They lean on each other, Lilly can't stop thinking about Austin. They're about to kiss when Lilly notices blood on her hand. Austin had accidentally stabbed himself in the leg when he fell. She quickly takes him to Stevens.
- Under the racetrack the Governor watches the biters devour the remains of Christina Meredith Haben. His ear is now bandaged after a confrontation with the newcomers. Lilly and Austin run into him and they have a chat. He lies to them about Christina and tells them the newcomers wanted to raid the town and attacked him. Lilly and Austin are shocked. Philip assures them that he won't let anything happen to Woodbury and he'll protect everyone. Lilly thanks him.
- Lilly and Austin go to Stevens. He's looking after one of the newcomers, named Rick, now unconscious and missing a hand. He helps get him into a hospital down. Lilly and Austin ask who he is whilst Alice tends to Austin. Lilly tells him that the Governor told her they're raiders. Stevens asks what's gotten into her and why she's suddenly believing the Governor, he believes that Philip attacked this man. Lilly reminds Stevens that the Governor let them live after they tried to assassinate him and all she wants to do now is survive. Austin asks about the other two strangers but nobody knows where they are.

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21 ч 45 мин, 9 апр 2004 г.
~ 20 г назад
