June 15, 2024

12 ч 9 апр 2004 г. - Rick, Dale, Tyreese, Glenn and Maggie search through A-Block. (Issue 25)


- Day 265
- Rick and Dale do one last walk through A-Block to make sure it's clear. Tyreese comes out of nowhere and says his flashlight ran out. They decide to go back outside when Glenn and Maggie show up holding some riot gear chest plates they found. They take the others to the armoury to see the rest. Tyreese comments on how Dexter and Andrew would be more trouble with the suits (especially if the helmets are bullet proof)
- Lori helps Carol carry a load of books she's planning to read. Lori asks Carol how she's doing after she slit her wrist. Carol knows why she did it, but can't believe she did. She starts crying to Lori and is relieved after Lori says her and Rick love her.
- Rick and Glenn discuss using the riot gear suits to safely siphon gas from cars outside so they can power the generator. Glenn goes to get ready.
- Rick visits Allen's grave and says he doesn't have time to talk today. He apologises for the leg.

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12 ч 9 апр 2004 г.
~ 20 г назад
