June 15, 2024

19 ч 30 мин, 12 янв 2004 г. - The fight begins! (The Road to Woodbury)


- Day 177
- The forty plus residents of Woodbury arrive at the arena before 7:30 PM so they can get food, drinks, a good seat and get prepared. Younger men stand at the bottom near the chain-link fence so they can see all the action whilst most women and old people sit higher up in blankets to keep warm.
- Music starts playing (Also sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss) and the Governor enters. The crowd goes wild and he announces the contestants. Garage doors open up on both sides. Zorn and Manning enter from each side, wearing makeshift leather armour. Zorn carries a machete and Manning holds an enormous battle axe.
- The Governor announces 'The Ring of Death'. The curtains around the arena fall down and a ring of chained up biters make their way towards the centre, surrounding the contestants. The crowd jeers.
- Zorn pounces on Manning before he is ready and before the Governor is able to make a safe exit. The two weapons clash. A biter almost bites Manning's ankle and The Governor thinks about how cool it would be if one of them turned during the fight.
- He tells Johnny to make sure the biters don't wonder back to the gates and goes to find Gabe and Bruce. He feels on-top of the world until he notices Gabe isn't at his post, his gun is lying on the floor unattended and there is an idling vehicle just outside.
- He goes for his gun but Martinez tasers him in the face and brings a sap down on his forehead. Swede and Broyles tie him up in less than sixty seconds and throw him in the back of the van. They quickly drive off.

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19 ч 30 мин, 12 янв 2004 г.
~ 20 г назад
