June 15, 2024

22 ч 31 дек 2003 г. - The Governor celebrates the new year. (The Road to Woodbury)


- Day 165
- Philip locks himself in his apartment on New Years Eve and celebrates alone with Penny. He doesn't know if it actually is New Years but it may as well be. He remembers celebrating with his friends, Nick Parsons and Bobby Marsh on New Years Eve. On the 30th they would prepare a pig and have a two day roast, smoke good weed, he would get laid- suddenly he stops. He can't remember if it was Philip who used to do this. Or Brian. He begins to cry and drops the bottle of campaign.
- He hears a knock at the door and stops crying. Brian reassures himself who he is. He's Philip Blake "The Governor".
- He opens the door expecting Bruce or Gabe and finds Megan Lafferty showing a generous amount of cleavage. She asks if he needs company and tells him that Duane told her she could find weed here. Philip tries to think of the last time he used a condom.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


22 ч 31 дек 2003 г.
~ 20 г назад
