June 15, 2024

12 янв 2020 г. - Saturn conj. Pluto


This is going to be a time where the gaining of personal power and the purging of darkness will be ruthlessly sought. There will be an assertion of boundaries that will essentially mean no one can hurt me the way they did before. And I will be able to claim power and respect. Compliments, money, food. I'll get to the root of situations. And find the truth. Focused on my own life. My friends. My work. There will be an intense upending of power and I'll help myself first. When others see, they may ask and I'll give them a push. But the focus is on helping myself first. Helping myself will help others. So I need to focus on myself and my goals, which is to feel comfortable sharing my art. To feel comfortable having fun. To have enough money to travel and do cool stuff. To be able to travel and dance and have fun.

acknowledging your shackles may be the best and even only way to get rid of them.

Also remember even if you are restricted nothing is permanent. A long work week can always lead to a change in jobs. Focus on your life and the challenges you face specifically, not others. You will have a degree. You are a working woman. You have parents that help you. What are the remaining challenges? Acknowledge them and work to transform yourself so you can more adequately face them.

Pluto has been in my 8H for some time, so Saturn entering this area means its bringing structure and mastery to what I've always been doing.

With both of these planets in capricorn, the best way to accumulate power is to be responsible and have strong boundaries.

Добавлено на ленту времени:

5 апр 2020


12 янв 2020 г.
~ 4 гг и 4 мес назад