July 1, 2024

6 авг 2005 г. - Youtube was made.


Youtube helped film studios dramatically in advertising upcoming films and with this Platform that anyone could post anything on for free, it was the perfect place to release trailers onto youtube. Before youtube, films would be advertised on TV, magazines and at the start of other films. This This in a much larger amount of people viewing the trailers and became much less limited. This also allows it to reach a younger demographic as teenagers and pre-teens are the main demographic for youtube, which is similar for the demographic of many film genres like superhero and horror films meaning these trailers are going to be seen much more frequently. The trailers are free to watch so are available to everyone, further expanding the capabilities of trailers on this platform, unlike films and magazines that both cost money.
As well as there being free trailers on the youtube site, there are also channels who review certain films. This is secondary form of advertising and whether they think the film is good or bad, they still bring the film to light, which alone encourages people to see the film anyway. If a film review is negative about a film, the viewers of the reviewers will likely see the film so they understand and compare their views to the reviewers. This makes youtube an ideal place to advertise films as not only can trailers be posted onto it, but people talk about films on youtube too which results in almost double the advertising potential than most other platforms.

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6 авг 2005 г.
~ 18 г назад
