June 15, 2024

2 ч 43 мин, 7 май 2019 г. - before the war


Eloy's family, were one of the top 8 tournament winners. It was mainly on the dads side, so the sons were expected to sign up for the games. This was the first year that Eloy would fight in the games. However his sister is very against it because she can tell there is something wrong with the games this year. The games end up going well and everything but when the winner is announced (Eloy) the sirens of war come on and that is the end of the games and into the frying pan.

Family members:
Mom- (She looses so much, but she keeps strong. She however gets taken with the rest of the town, when the other side comes in and raids the villages.Watched as her husband fell.)
Dad- (didnt sign up for the games, stayed with his wife and daughters. killed in the Raid)
Elder brother (died from sickness long before the war started.)
Still older brother (fights, died in war of the second year)
Elder sister (She was taken in the Raid.)
Twin sister of Eloy's, was taken on the day of the tournament. He thought that she was with the family for the longest time until he could get a letter to his family.

Добавлено на ленту времени:

11 окт 2018


2 ч 43 мин, 7 май 2019 г.
~ 5 г назад