April 1, 2024

1 янв 430000 г. до нашей эры - Neanderthal


Neanderthals were found to be furry and robust with large noses and larger eyes. Said larger eyes may have granted them better eyesight than their predecessors, but more importantly, their larger brains granted them improved intelligence and even possible sentience.

It is possible that conflict began to arise in hominid societies around this time, as evidence of interpersonal violence and even cannibalism exist from neanderthal societies. Neanderthals were also found to be interbreeding with Denisovans during this time.

Neanderthals are the first hominids recorded as having practised some forms of artistic expression. It is believed from evidence found in bird fossils that Neanderthals may have plucked feathers from birds to wear as jewellery. Red markings on stone also show that they may have been creating visual art as well. Jewellery and visual art show that Neanderthals may have been experiencing artistic appreciation, meaning they may have been sentient.

I believe this is where humanity truly began.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


1 янв 430000 г. до нашей эры
~ 432311 г назад
