June 15, 2024

21 апр 2017 г. - Spring Feast


A bountiful spring feast will appear on April 21! The morning of the 21st will find that tables and chairs have been moved from the inn and other nearby buildings to the area behind the inn. Tables will be loaded with every imaginable, era-appropriate food and drink, and the springtime decorations will be effusive: Flower chains strung from trees, candles twinkling in mason jars, flower-filled wreaths, bouquets and more. There will be coffee! There will be booze! There will be chocolate.

In fact, there will be a multitude of chocolate offerings. And here comes the rub.

If your character wears BLACK SCRUBS and eats any of the chocolate on offer, by the following day they may fall ill. This illness consists of a measles-like rash, dry mouth and blurry vision. It will last through the end of the month, unless...

Characters who wear RED SCRUBS may heal the above illness through touch. How long this process takes or what it involves is entirely up to you.

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21 апр 2017 г.
~ 7 г назад